Source code for pspec_likelihood.likelihood

"""Primary module defining likelihoods based on HERA power spectra."""
from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, Sequence

import astropy.cosmology as csm
import astropy.cosmology.units as cu
import astropy.units as un
import attr
import hera_pspec as hp
import numpy as np
from cached_property import cached_property
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from scipy.special import erfcx
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from . import types as tp
from .types import vld_unit
from .utils import normalize_wf as wf_cvt

[docs] @attr.s(kw_only=True) class DataModelInterface: r"""Container for power spectrum measurements and models. This class keeps track of power-spectrum measurements (and their associated covariances and window functions) along with a theoretical model and calculations of the likelihoods given this model that propertly account for the window functions. Note that window function matrix W must properly approximate performing the integral :math:`P_{obs}(b, tau) = \int \int d k_\perp d k_\parallel W(b, \tau, k_\perp, k_\parallel) P_{th}(k_\perp, k_\parallel)`, since the W matrix will directly multiply the theory at the given k samples. For now, this container assumes Gaussian measurement errors and thus only keeps track of covariances but this may change in the future. Parameters ---------- cosmology The :class:`astropy.cosmology.FLRW` object defining the cosmology. redshift The (mean) redshift of the measured power spectrum. power_spectrum The 1D or 2D power spectrum values of the observation in squared temperature units. Whether 1D or 2D, this array is 1D (i.e. flattened). window_function The window function that takes theory space to observational space. Must be an array whose first dimension has length equal to the power spectrum, and the second dimension has the same length as ``kpar_bins_theory``/``kperp_bins_theory``. The matrix W must properly approximate performing the integral :math:`P_{obs}(b, tau) = \int \int d k_\perp d k_\parallel W(b, \tau, k_\perp, k_\parallel) P_{th}(k_\perp, k_\parallel)`, since the W matrix will directly multiply the theory at the given k samples. covariance The data covariance matrix. If 2D, must be a square matrix with each dimension the same length as ``power_spectrum``. If 1D, the covariance is assumed to be diagonal, and must have the same length as ``power_spectrum``. kpar_bins_obs The k-parallel bins of the observation. See notes on ``kperp_bins_obs``. If ``kperp_bins_obs`` is not provided, treat ``kpar_bins_obs`` as spherically averaged. kperp_bins_obs If provided, the k-perpendicular bins of the observation. These provide the bin *centres*, and so there should be the same number as power spectrum values. If not provided, ``kpar_bins_obs`` is treated as the spherically-averaged k bins. kpar_bins_theory The k-parallel bins of the theory. See notes on ``kperp_bins_theory``. If ``kperp_bins_theory`` not provided, treat ``kpar_bins_theory`` as spherical. kperp_bins_theory If provided, the k-perpendicular bins of the theory. These provide the bin *centres*, and so there should be the same number as the second dimension of the window function. If not provided, ``kpar_bins_theory`` is treated as the spherically-averaged k bins. theory_uses_little_h Whether the theory function accepts wavenumbers in units of h/Mpc. If False, it accepts wavenumbers in units of 1/Mpc. theory_uses_spherical_k If True, the theory function only accepts spherical k, rather than cylindrical k. theory_model The callable theoretical power spectrum as a function of redshift and k. The signature of the function should be ``theory(z, k, params) -> p``, where `z` is a float redshift,and `params` is a tuple of float parameters OR a dict of float parameters. If it takes a dict of parameters, ``theory_param_names`` must be given. ``k`` is either a 2-tuple ``(kperp, kpar)``, where each of these arrays is 1D and the same length, or, if ``theory_uses_spherical_k`` is True, a single array of ``|k|``. The output ``p`` is an array of the same length as ``kperp`` and ``kpar`` (or simply ``k``), containing the power spectrum in mK^2. sys_model The callable systematics power spectrum, see ``theory_model`` for details. theory_param_names If given, pass a dictionary of parameters to the ``theory_model`` whose keys are the names. apply_window_to_systematics Whether the systematics are defined in theory-space or data-space. If defined in theory-space, the window function must be applied to the resulting systematics. """ redshift: float = attr.ib(converter=float) power_spectrum: tp.PowerType = attr.ib( validator=vld_unit(un.mK**2), eq=tp.cmp_array ) window_function: np.ndarray = attr.ib(eq=tp.cmp_array, converter=wf_cvt) covariance: tp.CovarianceType = attr.ib( validator=vld_unit(un.mK**4), eq=tp.cmp_array ) theory_model: Callable = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.is_callable()) sys_model: Callable | None = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.is_callable()) ) cosmology: csm.FLRW = attr.ib( csm.Planck18, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(csm.FLRW) ) kpar_bins_obs: tp.Wavenumber = attr.ib(eq=tp.cmp_array) kperp_bins_obs: tp.Wavenumber | None = attr.ib(None, eq=tp.cmp_array) kpar_bins_theory: tp.Wavenumber = attr.ib(eq=tp.cmp_array) kperp_bins_theory: tp.Wavenumber | None = attr.ib() theory_uses_little_h: bool = attr.ib(default=False, converter=bool) theory_uses_spherical_k: bool = attr.ib(default=False, converter=bool) obs_use_spherical_k: bool = attr.ib(default=False, converter=bool) theory_param_names: Sequence[str] | None = attr.ib( None, converter=attr.converters.optional(tuple) ) sys_param_names: Sequence[str] | None = attr.ib( None, converter=attr.converters.optional(tuple) ) apply_window_to_systematics: bool = attr.ib(True, converter=bool) @kpar_bins_obs.validator # @kpar_bins_theory.validator def _k_validator(self, att, val): if not np.isrealobj(val): raise TypeError(f"{} must be real!") vld_unit( cu.littleh / un.Mpc, equivalencies=csm.units.with_H0(self.cosmology.H0) )(self, att, val) if val.shape != self.power_spectrum.shape: raise ValueError(f"{} must have same shape as the power spectrum") @kperp_bins_obs.validator def _opt_k_vld(self, att, val): if val is not None: self._k_validator(att, val) @kpar_bins_theory.default def _kpar_theory_default(self): return self.kpar_bins_obs @kperp_bins_theory.default def _kperp_theory_default(self): return self.kperp_bins_obs @property def nk_obs(self): """Define attribute describing size of obs dataset.""" return np.size(self.kpar_bins_obs) @property def nk_theory(self): """Define attribute describing size of theory dataset.""" return np.size(self.kpar_bins_theory) @window_function.validator def _wf_vld(self, att, val): if val.shape != (self.nk_obs, self.nk_theory): raise ValueError( "window_function must be (Nk_obs, Nk_th) matrix. Got " f"{val.shape} not ({(self.nk_obs, self.nk_theory)})." ) @covariance.validator def _cov_vld(self, att, val): if val.shape not in [ (self.nk_obs,), (self.nk_obs, self.nk_obs), ]: raise ValueError("covariance must be Nk*Nk matrix or length-Nk vector") @cached_property def spherical_kbins_obs(self) -> tp.Wavenumber: """The spherical k bins of the observation (the edges).""" if self.kperp_bins_obs is not None: return np.sqrt(self.kpar_bins_obs**2 + self.kperp_bins_obs**2) else: return self.kpar_bins_obs @cached_property def spherical_kbins_theory(self) -> tp.Wavenumber: """The spherical k bins of the theory (edges).""" if self.kperp_bins_theory is not None: return np.sqrt(self.kpar_bins_theory**2 + self.kperp_bins_theory**2) else: return self.kpar_bins_theory @cached_property def kperp_centres(self) -> tp.Wavenumber: """Centres of the kperp bins.""" return (self.kperp_bins_obs[1:] + self.kperp_bins_obs[:-1]) / 2
[docs] @classmethod def from_uvpspec( cls, uvp, spw: int = 0, polpair_index: int = 0, theory_uses_spherical_k: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> DataModelInterface: r"""Extract parameters from UVPSpec object. Parameters ---------- theory_uses_spherical_k If True, the theory function only accepts spherical k, rather than cylindrical k. band_index Which band (0-indexed) to read, if the file contains multiple bands. Returns ------- DataModelInterface Initialized DataModelInterface instance """ # Perform checks to ensure UVPSpec object fed is correctly defined check_uvp(uvp) # Note that the following is a little brittle. if " k^3 / (2pi^2)" not in uvp.norm_units: warnings.warn("Converting to Delta^2 in place...") uvp.convert_to_deltasq(inplace=True) if "kpar_bins_theory" in kwargs or "kperp_bins_theory" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Cannot feed theory bins to method. They are defined by " "the window functions of the UVPSpec object." ) spw_frequencies = uvp.get_spw_ranges()[spw][:2] redshift = uvp.cosmo.f2z(np.mean(spw_frequencies)) # Get wavenumbers parallel to line of sight kparas = uvp.get_kparas(spw) n_para = len(kparas) # Get wavenumbers perpendicular to line of sight # Check if the data has been spherically averaged, in that # case we use kpar by convention and kperp is set to None. obs_use_spherical_k = "Spherically averaged with hera_pspec" in uvp.history if obs_use_spherical_k: print("Treating as spherically averaged") assert ( len(uvp.get_kperps(spw)) == 1 ), "data says it is spherically averaged but len(uvp.get_kperps(spw)) is >1" assert np.isclose( uvp.get_kperps(spw)[0], 0, atol=1e-11, rtol=0 ), "data says it is spherically averaged but uvp.get_kperps(spw)[0] is >> 0" n_perp = 1 kperp_bins_obs = None else: print("Treating as cylindrical PS") # Otherwise get kperp from uvp. Note that get_kperps() returns # all the baselines, including the redundant ones that are # combined in the power spectrum data. kperps = uvp.get_kperps(spw) if any(len(x) > 1 for x in uvp.get_red_blpairs()[0]): warnings.warn( "The UVPSpec object is not redundantly averaged. " "This may result in poor speed due to having more individual kperps" " than statistically necessary. However, results should be the " "same. Continuing..." ) n_perp = len(kperps) kperp_bins_obs = np.repeat(kperps, n_para) # Tile parallel wavenumbers correspondingly kpar_bins_obs = np.tile(kparas, n_perp) # Get the dimensionless power spectra \Delta^2 (units mK**2) and # flatten the shape (N_perp, N_para) to (N_perp*N_para), index such # that k_par changes the fastest. poltuples = [ hp.uvpspec_utils.polpair_int2tuple(x, pol_strings=True) for x in uvp.polpair_array ] pol = poltuples[polpair_index] if len(uvp.polpair_array) > 1: warnings.warn( "There is more than one polpair in your UVPSpec object. " f"Using polpair '{pol}', but you might want to make sure this is what " f"you want. Possible values are: {poltuples}, set the one you want by" " setting polpair_index" ) keys = [x for x in uvp.get_all_keys() if (x[0] == spw and x[2] == pol)] # Taking the zeroth index because it is time, which we have already checked has # length one. So, this will ultimately give an array of size (n_kperp, nkpar) power_spectrum = np.array([uvp.get_data(k).real.copy()[0] for k in keys]) if power_spectrum.shape != (n_perp, n_para): raise ValueError( f"PS shape mismatch: {np.shape(power_spectrum)} != ({n_perp}, {n_para})" ) power_spectrum = power_spectrum.reshape((n_perp * n_para), order="C") # TODO: This is a bit unintuitive, check if this is the right way round! # Get the covariance matrix (units mK**4) of the power spectrum. Since # values with different k_perp are uncorrelated, this becomes a # block-diagonal on the (N_perp*N_para)-long reshaped axis. # get_cov() essentially returns a list of these N_perp blocks, each # of shape (N_para, N_para). cov_3d = np.array([uvp.get_cov(k).real.copy()[0] for k in keys]) assert np.shape(cov_3d) == (n_perp, n_para, n_para) covariance = block_diag(*cov_3d) assert np.shape(covariance) == (n_perp * n_para, n_perp * n_para) # Window functions -- same deal as with the covariance. Block diagonal # matrix where each block is the k_par window function for one k_perp. wf_3d = np.array([uvp.get_window_function(k)[0] for k in keys]) if uvp.exact_windows and not obs_use_spherical_k: # Extract exact window functions from UVPSpec object kperps_wf = uvp.window_function_kperp[spw][:, polpair_index] kparas_wf = uvp.window_function_kpara[spw][:, polpair_index] window_function = wf_3d.reshape( ( n_perp * n_para, kperps_wf.size * kparas_wf.size, ), order="C", ) # Overwrite potential input k_bins_theory warnings.warn( "Using kperp_bins_theory and kpar_bins_theory " "intrinsic to the exact window functions." ) kperp_bins_theory = np.repeat(kperps_wf, kparas_wf.size) kpar_bins_theory = np.tile(kparas_wf, kperps_wf.size) else: assert np.shape(wf_3d) == (n_perp, n_para, n_para) window_function = block_diag(*wf_3d) assert np.shape(window_function) == (n_perp * n_para, n_perp * n_para) kpar_bins_theory = deepcopy(kpar_bins_obs) kperp_bins_theory = deepcopy(kperp_bins_obs) use_littleh = "h^-3" in uvp.units if not isinstance(kpar_bins_obs, un.Quantity): unit = cu.littleh / un.Mpc if use_littleh else un.Mpc**-1 kpar_bins_obs <<= unit if not obs_use_spherical_k: kperp_bins_obs <<= unit if not isinstance(kpar_bins_theory, un.Quantity): unit = cu.littleh / un.Mpc if use_littleh else un.Mpc**-1 kpar_bins_theory <<= unit if not obs_use_spherical_k: kperp_bins_theory <<= unit if hasattr(uvp, "cosmo"): cosmo = csm.LambdaCDM( H0=uvp.cosmo.H0, Om0=uvp.cosmo.Om_M, Ode0=uvp.cosmo.Om_L, ) else: cosmo = csm.Planck18 return DataModelInterface( theory_uses_spherical_k=theory_uses_spherical_k, obs_use_spherical_k=obs_use_spherical_k, redshift=redshift, kperp_bins_obs=kperp_bins_obs, kpar_bins_obs=kpar_bins_obs, kperp_bins_theory=kperp_bins_theory, kpar_bins_theory=kpar_bins_theory, power_spectrum=power_spectrum << un.mK**2, covariance=covariance << un.mK**4, window_function=window_function, cosmology=cosmo, **kwargs, )
def _kconvert(self, k): if k is None: return None else: return k.to_value( cu.littleh / un.Mpc if self.theory_uses_little_h else "1/Mpc", equivalencies=cu.with_H0(self.cosmology.H0), )
[docs] def discretize_theory( self, z: float, theory_params: Sequence[float] | dict[str, float] ) -> tuple[tp.PowerType, tp.PowerType]: r"""Compute the discretized power spectrum at the (k, z) of the window function. This outputs the value of the theory power spectrum over each cylindrical or spherical k-bin. Parameters ---------- z The redshift theory_params sequence of parameters passed to the theory function Returns ------- results list of power spectrum values corresponding to the bins """ if self.theory_uses_spherical_k: k = self._kconvert(self.spherical_kbins_theory) else: k = ( self._kconvert(self.kperp_bins_theory), self._kconvert(self.kpar_bins_theory), ) theory_params = self._validate_params(theory_params, self.theory_param_names) return self.theory_model(z, k, theory_params)
[docs] def discretize_systematics( self, z: float, sys_params: Sequence[float] | dict[str, float] ) -> tuple[tp.PowerType, tp.PowerType]: r"""Compute the discretized systematic power. This outputs the value of the the systematic model over each cylindrical or spherical k-bin. Parameters ---------- z The redshift sys_params sequence of parameters passed to the systematics function Returns ------- results list of systematics values corresponding to the bins """ if self.sys_model is None: return 0 if self.apply_window_to_systematics: if self.theory_uses_spherical_k: k = self._kconvert(self.spherical_kbins_theory) else: k = ( self._kconvert(self.kperp_bins_theory), self._kconvert(self.kpar_bins_theory), ) else: if self.kperp_bins_obs is None: k = self._kconvert(self.spherical_kbins_obs) else: k = ( self._kconvert(self.kperp_bins_obs), self._kconvert(self.kpar_bins_obs), ) sys_params = self._validate_params(sys_params, self.sys_param_names) return self.sys_model(z, k, sys_params)
[docs] def apply_window_function(self, discretized_model: tp.PowerType) -> tp.PowerType: r"""Calculate theoretical power spectrum with data window function applied. Simply performs the matrix product :math:`p_w = W p_m`. Parameters ---------- discretized_theory The discretized theoretical power spectrum, discretized in such a way as to be compatible with the window function. This can be calculated with :meth:`discretize_theory`. Returns ------- windowed_theory A 1D array of power-spectrum values corresponding to :attr:`kpar_bins_obs``. """ return
def _validate_params(self, params, names) -> tuple[float] | dict[str, float]: r""" Check if params is a list or dictionary. If list convert to dictionary using param_names. Parameters ---------- params : dictionary, list or tuple Returns ------- params : dictionary params convert to dictionary """ if isinstance(params, dict): if names is not None: assert set(names) == set( params.keys() ), "input parameters don't match parameters of the likelihood" return params else: if names is None: return tuple(params) if len(names) != len(params): raise ValueError( "input params is not of same length as given param_names " f"({len(names)} vs {len(params)})" ) return dict(zip(names, params))
[docs] def compute_model( self, theory_params: Sequence[float] | dict[str, float], sys_params: Sequence[float] | dict[str, float], ): """Compute the theory+systematics model in the data-space.""" theory = self.discretize_theory(self.redshift, theory_params) sys = self.discretize_systematics(self.redshift, sys_params) if self.apply_window_to_systematics: return self.apply_window_function(theory + sys) else: return self.apply_window_function(theory) + sys
[docs] @attr.s(kw_only=True) class PSpecLikelihood(ABC): """Base class for likelihoods. The base class implements one abstract method: :meth:`loglike`, which must compute the floating-point log-likelihood given the theory and systematics parameters that are being sampled/varied. Parameters ---------- model An instance of :class:`DataModelInterface` that is used to do the transformation from theory to data space. set_negative_to_zero Whether to treat negative power spectrum values as zero. """ model: DataModelInterface = attr.ib() set_negative_to_zero: bool = attr.ib(default=False, converter=bool) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Do stuff after initialization.""" self.validate()
[docs] @abstractmethod def loglike(self, theory_params, sys_params) -> float: """Compute the log-likelihood.""" pass
[docs] def validate(self): """Validation of a particular likelihood. In particular, this is useful for ensuring that the data model follows certain rules that might be particular to the likelihood (eg. diagonal covariance). """ pass
@cached_property def power_spectrum(self) -> tp.PowerType: """Return power_spectrum respecting set_negative_to_zero. Return model.power_spectrum if not set_negative_to_zero, otherwise return zero where model.power_spectrum is negative. """ ps = self.model.power_spectrum.copy() if self.set_negative_to_zero: ps[ps < 0] = 0 return ps @cached_property def variance(self) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the variance of the likelihood. This is the diagonal of the covariance matrix of the likelihood. """ return np.diag(self.model.covariance) @cached_property def data_mask(self): """A mask where data is properly defined and usable.""" mask = self.variance != 0 * un.mK**4 if np.any(~mask): warnings.warn( f"Ignoring data in positions {np.where(~mask)} " "as the variance is zero" ) return mask
[docs] @attr.s(kw_only=True) class Gaussian(PSpecLikelihood): """The simplest Gaussian likelihood."""
[docs] def loglike(self, theory_params, sys_params) -> float: """Compute the log likelihood.""" model = self.model.compute_model(theory_params, sys_params) normal = multivariate_normal( mean=self.power_spectrum[self.data_mask], cov=self.model.covariance[self.data_mask][:, self.data_mask], allow_singular=True, ) return normal.logpdf(model[self.data_mask])
[docs] @attr.s(kw_only=True) class MarginalizedLinearPositiveSystematics(PSpecLikelihood): """The likelihood used in IDR2 analysis. Parameters ---------- zero_fill Return a loglikelihood value of zero_fill instead of -inf when the likelihood is actually 0. Possibly useful to avoid errors in sampling libraries used. """
[docs] def validate(self): """Ensure the model has diagonal covariance and no systematics model.""" if not np.all( np.isclose( self.model.covariance - np.diag(np.diag(self.model.covariance)), 0 ) ): warnings.warn( f"Your covariance matrix is not diagonal. The {self.__class__.__name__}" " class requires diagonal covariance. Forcing it..." ) if self.model.sys_model is not None: raise ValueError( f"sys_model must be None for the {self.__class__.__name__} class." )
@cached_property def variance(self): """The diagonal of the covariance matrix.""" return np.diag(self.model.covariance) @cached_property def data_mask(self): """A mask where data is properly defined and usable.""" mask = self.variance != 0 * un.mK**4 if np.any(~mask): warnings.warn( f"Ignoring data in positions {np.where(~mask)} " "as the variance is zero" ) return mask
[docs] def loglike(self, theory_params, sys_params) -> float: """Compute the log likelihood.""" assert not sys_params model = self.model.compute_model(theory_params, sys_params)[self.data_mask] data = self.power_spectrum[self.data_mask] residuals = data - model residuals_over_errors = ( residuals / np.sqrt(2 * self.variance[self.data_mask]) ).value # We have 1 + erf(x) == 1 - erf(-x) == erfc(-x) # The erfc function is MUCH more stable at high x than erf is at large negative # x. However, even erfc will only be stable out to x~-25. To go further, we use # the erfcx function, which is equal to exp(-x**2)*erfc(x). This is stable out # to at least x~-300, which is more than we'll ever need, and is equal to erfc # to within 1e-14 over all this range (even for large positive x). # If x is larger than 25, the erfcx function goes to infinity and so we swap # over to log(2) == log(1 + erf(infinity)). log2 = np.log(2) log1perf = np.where( residuals_over_errors < 25, np.log(erfcx(-residuals_over_errors)) - residuals_over_errors**2, log2, ) loglike = np.log(0.5) + log1perf return np.sum(loglike)
[docs] @attr.s(kw_only=True) class GaussianLinearSystematics(PSpecLikelihood): """A Gaussian likelihood where some systematics are assumed to be linear. Parameters ---------- linear_systematics_basis_function A function that, given a set of non-linear systematics parameters (potentially an empty set), will compute the basis set corresponding to the known linear parameters of the model, at the kperp/kpar of either the observation or theory. linear_systematics_mean The prior mean of the linear systematics. linear_systematics_cov The prior covariance of the linear systematics. """ linear_systematics_basis_function: Callable = attr.ib() linear_systematics_mean: np.ndarray = attr.ib() linear_systematics_cov: np.ndarray = attr.ib()
[docs] def get_mu_linear(self, basis: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float]: """Compute the posterior mean of linear parameters.""" pass
[docs] def get_sigma_linear(self, basis) -> tuple[float]: """Compute the posterior covariance of the linear parameters.""" pass
[docs] def loglike(self, theory_params, sys_params) -> float: """Compute the log likelihood.""" # Here we get only the non-linera sys params, but the model requires all of # them. "basis" corresponds to "A" in the memo. basis = self.linear_systematics_basis_function( sys_params, self.model.kperp_bins_theory if self.model.apply_window_to_systematics else self.model.kperp_bins_obs, self.model.kpar_bins_theory if self.model.apply_window_to_systematics else self.model.kpar_bins_obs, ) mu_linear = self.get_mu_linear(basis) sig_linear = self.get_sigma_linear(basis) model = self.model.compute_model(theory_params, tuple(sys_params) + mu_linear) normal = multivariate_normal( mean=self.power_spectrum, cov=self.model.covariance ) prior = multivariate_normal( mean=self.linear_systematics_mean, cov=self.linear_systematics_cov ) return ( normal.logpdf(model) + 0.5 * np.log(np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * sig_linear)) + prior.logpdf(mu_linear) )
[docs] def check_uvp(uvp): """ Check if UVPSpec object can be used to define DataModelInterface. Parameters ---------- uvp: UVPSpec object UVPSpec object one wants to use to define a DataModelInterface. """ # Physical units if "(mK)^2" not in uvp.units: raise ValueError(f"Power Spectrum must be in mK^2 units. Got {uvp.units}") # Time average if uvp.Ntimes > 1: raise ValueError( "The UVPSpec object has not been fully time-averaged. " "Please time-average with uvp.average_spectra(time_avg=True) before " "passing to DataModelInterface.from_uvpspec" ) # Has covariance and window functions stored? key = uvp.get_all_keys()[0] try: uvp.get_cov(key) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( "Covariance matrix is not defined on the UVPspec object" ) from e try: uvp.get_window_function(key) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( "Window functions are not defined on the UVPspec object" ) from e